Day 3

Start of the project and expedition to the library.

Monday was our first day of school, where we got started on our group project, we first had to work in small groups to find a fitting layout for the Website we were going to create, so we all had to vote on which was our favorite design. As soon as that was sorted we got to work, splitting up in groups of our interests we figured out how to best tell the stories of our trip.

After lunch we went on a short walk to the public library, where we got a very interesting tour, with information about the history of the library and how it is set up. We got to make music with indigenous instruments and learn about Creole plants and a little about the culture that makes up RĂ©union Island.

In order to get to know each other better we played some games, like throwing the ball from a German to a French person and saying their names. The game two truths and one lie also helped us get closer as a group. We also had to sort each other by factors like height, age and birthdays whilst being timed, some where more successful than others. We got closer because we had to work together and get over certain obstacles like language barriers. In the picture you can see the winners of the “who can build the highest tower with marshmallows and dry spaghetti”