DAY 2: An educational excursion to Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Tuesday 23 April, a day like no other, began with an early morning assembly at the lycée. The students, full of anticipation and excitement, boarded the bus, ready for an educational adventure to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. After a two-hour drive, we arrived at our destination. Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a well-preserved medieval town in …

DAY 5 : Progress on the project and job interviews simulation

Today, we made significant progress on the project. The product page is now complete, and the final manual is starting to take shape. These advancements mark an important milestone in the realization of our project. In addition to the project work, we also conducted mock job interviews to prepare ourselves for the actual interviews with …

DAY 7 : Our trip to Stuttgart and visit of the Bade-Wurtemberg parlement

Today we went to Stuttgart by train to go visit the Bade-Wurtemberg parlement. We took the opportunity to explore the city a bit before going on a tour of the Parliament. After the tour, we learned about how the Parliament works and how elections are conducted by simulating an election. This experience allowed us to …

Trip 1

On our first trip the French and German students went to the botanic garden in st. Philippe. After that we visited the Notre-Dame des Laves. At least we settled down in Saint Rose to have a picnic.